Vastu Tips: How to Choose the Best Place for Mandir in Your Home? Check out

Vastu Tips

Vastu Tips

Vastu Tips: A Mandir is the most holy place of the house. According to Hindu traditions, most households have a home temple where they pray every day. The temple is usually ornamented to look beautiful. Moreover, there are a couple of things to keep in mind before installing a mandir in your house. According to Vastu Shastra, there are a few specific dos and don’ts that can affect the positive effects of a mandir.

What does Mandir symbolise

A Mandir is supposed to bring light and positivity to the house as it is where the gods reside. Therefore, placing it the wrong way could cause negative energy to be imbibed in the house or stop from gods energy from entering the house.

Placement of Mandir

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