Vastu Tips: Moving into your new home? Check out the right places to install mirrors

Vastu Tips: Whenever we go to buy a new house and shift into it, the one thing that remains in our mind at that time is ‘Vastu’. Vastu has special importance in our life and on the basis of this we decide to install and keep things in our house. Mirrors also have special importance in our lives because it is the objects that we see at least once a day. In today’s article, I will tell you that if you are planning to move into a new house, then in which place of the house you should install mirrors so that it benefits you.

Placement of the mirrors in the house

It is believed that mirrors should be installed only in the east and north direction of the house and not in the west and south direction because it will also benefit you.

Suitable Locations

Aside from the dressing room and washroom, mirrors can be placed in the dining area, directly across the dining table, so that the complete family is reflected in the mirror while eating. According to Vastu, this promotes wealth and increases love and devotion among family members.

Shapes are essential

Square and rectangular forms are used in Vastu Shastra because they uniformly distribute energy. Oval and circular shapes are not preferred and should be avoided. Although there are no size restrictions for the mirror, any irregular form should be avoided.

Increase your wealth                    

Keeping a mirror in your locker might help you increase your fortune. Check that the mirror is one piece and does not reflect a distorted image of the locker or the items stored within.

Maintain Cleanliness         

Make sure that wherever you put a mirror, it is completely clean and pristine. Stickers or bindis should not be stuck to the reflecting surface.

Mirrors in Bedrooms   

The master bedroom should face south or southwest, which is dominated by the earth element. Mirror, on the other hand, is a water element connected with instability. A mirror in this room is not recommended by Vastu because it will interfere with the energies of the earth element and cause chaos.

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