17 girls in UP’s Muzaffarnagar were allegedly sedated and molested by the school teacher

In Uttar Pradesh’s Muzaffarnagar, a teacher has been accused of molesting 17 high school girl students by giving them intoxicants while committing obscenity in school. The accused teacher crossed the limits of molestation and obscenity after stopping 17 girl students in the school at night and giving them intoxicants in the name of practical.

It is also alleged that the accused teacher had threatened to fail the girl students if she opened her mouth. In this sensational case, when two victim girls along with their families complained to the SSP about the matter, the police came into action and a case has been registered against the accused.

There is a case of a school in Tughalpur Kamhera village of Purkaji police station area. 17 girl students of high school were brought to GGS International Academy School in Purkaji on 18 November on the pretext of practical. The girl students allege that the school operator Arjun Singh molested them along with doing obscene acts by giving them intoxicants in food.

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Purkaji police was engaged in suppressing this sensational case of gang obscenity from 17 high school girl students, despite the complaint for the last 5 days, but two girl students, along with the family, complained to the SSP about the matter, then the police officers took up the matter. Taking immediate cognizance, Purkaji Inspector Vinod.While presenting the line to Kumar for being negligent, he has ordered for legal action by registering an immediate case in the matter.

However, on the complaint of the relatives of the victim girl students, the police started legal action by registering a case against Yogesh and Arjun Singh of both the schools under sections 328,354, 506 of the IPC as well as 7 and 8 of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offenses Act 2012.

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