22 Year Old Woman Gang-Raped By Bike Taxi Driver

A 22-year-old woman from Kerala was allegedly gang-raped by a bike taxi driver and his associate in Bengaluru. Police said the incident took place in the Electronic City police station area on the intervening night of Friday and Saturday. In her complaint, the rape victim claimed that she was at a friend’s house on Friday before booking a bike taxi to meet another friend at midnight. According to the police, the woman was under the influence of alcohol when she booked the bike on the ride-sharing application ‘Rapido’. The driver took the woman to her destination but she was not in a condition to get off the bike.

Driver took the woman to his house

According to the police, taking advantage of the opportunity, the driver took the woman to his house where another woman was already present. After some time a companion of the driver also joined them. According to the victim’s complaint, both the men took turns to rape her. The next day when the woman regained consciousness, she found herself in terrible pain. She left the house of the accused and reached St. John’s Hospital where the doctors examined her and informed the police.

Based on the complaint, two accused from Bengaluru and the woman from West Bengal were arrested. Bengaluru Police Commissioner Prathap Reddy said that the police immediately registered a case and started the investigation. Evidence has been collected from the spot with the help of forensic team. Police said that one of the accused has an old criminal record.

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