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HomeNATION3rd Female cheetah dies in Kuno National Park

3rd Female cheetah dies in Kuno National Park

The reason for the death of female cheetah ‘Daksha’ is not any disease, but she lost her life during a fight with another cheetah.

Madhya Pradesh Chief Conservator of Forests JS Chauhan said that Daksha, a female cheetah brought from South Africa, died on May 9.

It is being told that in the Kuno National Park, the fight of Cheetah Dhira, which came from South Africa, took place with another Cheetah. He died in December. This is the third cheetah brought from South Africa and Namibia, which has died within the last three months. The other two cheetahs died of illness.

How did the female Cheetah ‘Daksha’ die?

It has been told in the press release that on May 09 at 10.45 am, the monitoring team found the female Cheetah Daksha released from South Africa in Kuno National Park in an injured condition. Even after the treatment of veterinarians, the life of female cheetah Daksha could not be saved. Daksha Cheetah died at 12:00 pm.

Daksha Cheetah was released in enclosure No. 1 and in nearby Boma No. 7 Cheetah Coalition Vayu and Agni brought from South Africa were released.

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