Adhaar PAN linking last date extended till 30 June

Aadhaar PAN linking Last Date Extended: If you are also among those who have not yet linked their Aadhaar to PAN, then there is a great news for you. The last date for linking Aadhaar and PAN card has been extended. Till now this date was 31 March 2021, but now it has been extended to 30 June.

Failure of PAN and Aadhaar link may lead to a fine of up to Rs 1000. The penalty has been provided under the new section 234H added to the Income Tax Act, 1961. The government has done this through the Finance Bill 2021 passed from Lok Sabha on 23 March. Under the new provision added to the Income Tax Act, the government will decide the amount of penalty for non-linking of PAN and Aadhaar. This fine will not exceed Rs 1000.

The Finance Bill has added a new section 234H to levy a fee for default in notifying the Aadhaar number. If a person is required to notify his Aadhaar under section 139AA (2) and a person fails to do so, they will be liable to pay the fee.

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