Another Grenade Attack In Jammu And Kashmir

Terrorists are not deterring their nefarious antics in Jammu and Kashmir. They attacked with a grenade at Khwaja Bazar Nowhatta in Srinagar on Friday. It is being told that two shops have been damaged in this grenade attack. Security has been increased in the area and every visitor is being monitored. Simultaneously, raids have been started to nab the attackers. An official said that unidentified terrorists hurled a grenade in the Khwaja Bazar area in the afternoon. However, there is no report of any casualty or injury. Two shops have been completely damaged in the incident.

Earlier on Thursday, terrorists hurled a grenade at a Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) vehicle in Shopian district, but there was no casualty. Officials had said that the terrorists hurled a grenade at the vehicle at Keegam in Shopian at around 7.30 pm. The vehicle suffered minor damage in this incident.

There is a continuous operation going on in Jammu and Kashmir to eliminate terrorists. This is the reason why his fury is being seen for the last few months. More recently, the State Intelligence Agency (SIA) of the Jammu and Kashmir Police has arrested 10 people on charges of working for the banned terrorist group Jaish-e-Mohammed. SIA officers conducted overnight raids at various places in the south and central districts of Kashmir. The SIA was recently constituted and the agency has been entrusted with the investigation of crimes related to terrorism and separatism.

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