Bengal Boy Waves Red Shirt To Flag Track Damage, Prevents Train Accident

Train accident

By using his red t-shirt as a flag to alert the driver of a train that was speeding near a section of damaged railway tracks, a 12-year-old boy in West Bengal prevented a serious train accident. Last Thursday, the tragedy happened in Malda, West Bengal, close to a railway yard.

Mursaleen Sheikh, the boy, is the son of a migrant worker who works at the yard. Musaleen was in the yard at the time of the incident with a few of the workers.

There, he observed a passenger train rushing towards a damaged stretch of railway rails close to the yard. The child immediately removed his red t-shirt and began waving it at an approaching train. The railway’s engine driver noticed the signal and used the emergency brakes to stop the train, preventing an accident.

Emergency Brakes:

Sabyasachi De, a representative for North-East Frontier Railway, commented on the incident, “A 12-year-old child in Malda waved his red shirt at the train, due to which the loco-pilot applied emergency brakes and stopped the passenger train. The child did this because the railway track was damaged due to heavy rains.”

“Seeing the rain-damaged part under the tracks, the boy acted sensibly at the right time and became alert,” the official added, lauding the child for the act.

The child was honoured by railway officials with a certificate of courage and an award in cash. The divisional rail manager and the local member of parliament visited the boy’s home to congratulate him.

According to officials, operations have since resumed after the damaged portion of the track was restored.

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