
Big Breaking! Delhi Court Charges BJP Leader Brij Bhushan Singh of Sexual Harassment, Details

New Update
Brij Bhushan Singh

Delhi court has taken a significant step by framing charges against Brij Bhushan Singh, a BJP leader. The accusations stem from claims that five female wrestlers were the victims of sexual harassment. Furthermore, Singh is accused of insulting a woman's modesty. This action is the result of the court's discovery of strong evidence to back up the accusations made against him.


Charges Framed Under Sections 354 and 354A

According to the court's ruling, Brij Bhushan Singh will be charged in relation to each victim under sections 354 and 354A of the Indian Penal Code. These sections deal with crimes including sexual harassment and assault with purpose to cause offence to a woman's modesty.

Acquittal Regarding Allegations by the Sixth Wrestler

But in the middle of the legal battle, the judge cleared Brij Bhushan Singh of the accusations made by the sixth wrestler.

Delhi court Brij Bhushan Singh
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