Centre releases new guidelines for offices in a bid to prevent covid-19 spread

As India sees significant relief on the covid-19 front, the narrative of work from home is seeing a shift to the regular office which might lead to the spread of the virus at a faster rate. Therefore, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has released new guidelines for offices that are set to open/have opened with full capacity in order to curb the further spread.

According to the new Standard Operating Procedures, the work at office can only resume after the disinfection process has been laid down as per the guidelines issued by the ministry.

Offices and staff residing in containment zones shall remain closed excpet for medical and essential service. Officers and staff residing in containment zones should inform their supervisors and shall continue work from home until the containment zone is denotified.

The SOPs further stated that only asymptomatic staff and visitors shall be allowed to enter the premises while adding that individuals must maintain a minimum distance of six feet in common places. They must use face cover masks all the time, the ministry added.

“They must be worn properly to cover the nose and the mouth. Touching the front portion of the mask or face cover to be avoided,” the ministry said.

It further highlighted that practicing frequent handwashing with soap for at least 40 to 60 seconds, even when hands are not visibly dirty and use of alcohol based sanitiser for at least 20 second whenever possible.

Check out some more guidelines here:

1.If an office premise records one or two coronavirus disease cases, then the disinfection process will be only limited to the areas or spots occupied by the infected person in the last 48 hours and work can restart post disinfection.

  1. In case the workplace is witnessing a greater number of infections, the whole block or building should be disinfected.
  2. Offices located in containment zones will remain closed except for any essential or medical services, the ministry said adding that only those outside such zones will be allowed to open.
  3. Compulsory thermal screening and sanitisation should be ensured at the entrance of the office and entry should only be permitted for asymptomatic staff and visitors.
  4. People will be required to wear face masks or covering at all times and should wash their hands frequently. They would also have to ensure a minimum distance of six feet in common places.
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