Chhattisgarh CM Bhupesh removes district collector who slapped man for violating lockdown

Collector Ranbir Sharma, who slapped a young man during the lockdown implemented in Surajpur district of Chhattisgarh, has been removed with immediate effect.

Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel has instructed to remove him with immediate effect after Surajpur Collector Ranbir Sharma reported a case of mistreatment of a young man.

According to the CMO, IAS Gaurav Singh has been appointed as Collector of Surajpur in place of Ranbir Sharma.

CM Bhupesh Baghel said, through social media, the case of Surajpur Collector Ranbir Sharma misbehaving with a young man has come to my notice. It is very sad and condemnable. In Chhattisgarh, no such act will be tolerated at all. Instructions have been given to remove Collector Ranbir Sharma with immediate effect.

The Collector, showing his ‘Dadagiri’, not only slapped the young man but also snatched the mobile from his hand and slammed it. When the Collector Ranbir Sharma does not fill his mind with this much, he also gives orders to kill the soldier standing next to him, behaving inappropriately with that young man. In such a situation, the soldier also starts beating the young man brutally with a stick on the middle road. During this time, the young man repeatedly clarifies that he is going to buy medicine, but one of his is not heard and on the contrary he has to get the poles.

Not only this, after the video of this incident went viral, everyone is pulling up about this behavior of Collector Ranbir Sharma. While in this video, the collector is seen threatening other people as well. At the same time, Surajpur Collector Ranbir Sharma has apologized by releasing the video after catching the light of the case. He has said that me and all my staff are working hard for a year. I and my parents also came under the grip of Covid, I understand it very well. What passes physically on a person. He spoke of being slapped in a huff and asked for forgiveness. The collector said that it was not my motive to insult anyone. I raised my hands in a hue for which I am sorry .

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