Cut their hands, behead them: Hate speech at VHP’s Delhi rally

A provocative speech has been given in the Delhi rally of Vishwa Hindu Parishad. The remarks ‘cut off their hands, behead them’ have come in the context of the murder of a 25-year-old man in Delhi. A 25-year-old youth was allegedly murdered by men from the Muslim community. This latest incident of Hate Speech has stirred up.

On Sunday, VHP leaders called for the use of guns against the attackers. The rally turned into an arena of hate speech when one of the speakers – Jagatguru Yogeshwar Acharya – made a provocative call of beheading and cutting off the hands of those who attacked the 25-year-old deceased youth. He said, if necessary, cut off their hands, cut off their heads. At most you will go to jail. But the time has come to teach these elements a lesson. Kill people selectively.

In a brazen display of power and authority, another speaker at Vishwa Hindu Parishad’s Delhi rally, Mahant Naval Kishore Das also called upon people to keep guns with or without license. He used provocative language and said, “Get the guns.” Get a license. If you don’t get a license, don’t worry. Do the people who come to kill you have a license? So why do you need a license? If we all come together, the Delhi Police Commissioner will also offer us tea. He said, the Delhi Police Commissioner will let us do whatever we want.

VHP spokesperson Vinod Bansal defended the speakers despite allegations of provocative speech. He said, it was a Jan Aakrosh rally. The message was towards jihadi elements and not towards any community. People are angry. What the speakers meant was that they could come out in self-defense against jihadist elements if needed.

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