“Direct assault by Centre”: Rahul Gandhi demands statehood restoration in Jammu and Kashmir

J&K: Congress leader, Rahul Gandhi, made his first visit to Srinagar since the government scrapped special status for Jammu and Kashmir in August 2019, and the split of union territories, which resulted in the demand of restoration of Jammu and Kashmir’s statehood and the conduct of Assembly election.

He also critisized the government for shutting down the opposition. He said, “they were shouted down whenever we want to raise the issue of J&K or Pegasus, and warned people of a direct assault on Jammu and Kashmir, and an indirect assault on the rest of the country.”

Gandhi in his visit said that ” today is the second and final day was a homecoming of sorts.”

Two years ago, after article 370 was scrapped after furious protest and chaos in the parliament, Rahul Gandhi was stopped from visiting Jammu and Kashmir that made him turn back from the airport.

Adressing Jammu and Kahmir party workers in Srinagar, where a new office was opened by him for the party, Gandhi said that, “”My message to you is that I have brought respect and love for you, this new office is a new beginning. I tried coming earlier but was stopped at the airport itself. Today I have come, and will return soon”.

“I want a relationship of dignity and love with people of Jammu and Kashmir, who have faced pain and suffering before Delhi, my family was living in Allahabad. Before that they were living in Kashmir”

“I understand you. My family has taken the water of Jhelum. Your customs and your thinking, which we call kashmiryat, is also in me,” the Congress leader, said, vowing to fight and defeat “the ideology of fear and hatred (spread) by the BJP and RSS” added Gandhi.

Rahul also visited the famous Hazratbal Dargah in Srinagar.
He posted an images on instagram and captioned, “Prayed for peace and brotherhood at Hazratbal Dargah. The biggest strength of our country is our unity – there is no place for hate and fear here.”

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