Farooq Abdullah tests Covid-19 positive: Tweets Omar Abdullah

National Conference President Farooq Abdullah tested positive for COVID19, tweeted his son Omar Abdullah on Tuesday.

“My father has tested positive for Covid-19 & is showing some symptoms. I will be self-isolating along with other family members until we get ourselves tested. I request anyone who has come in to contact with us over the last few days to take all the mandated precautions,”the former Jammu and Kashmir chief minister said in a tweet.

J&K on Monday recorded 235 new positive Covid-19 cases, taking the infection tally to 1,30,228, even as no fresh death due to the disease was reported in the Union territory in the past 24 hours.

The fresh cases also include 58 travellers. Out of the new cases, 51 were reported from Jammu division and 184 from Kashmir division of the Union territory (UT).

No death due to the coronavirus disease was reported in Jammu and Kashmir in the past 24 hours, the updated health ministry data showed on Tuesday morning.

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