G20 Summit: Prime Minister Modi’s Packed Agenda; 15 Bilateral Meetings, Featuring Biden and Macron

G20 Summit

G20 Summit: During the G20 summit, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is permitted to have 15 private sessions. According to sources, PM Modi will have in-person conversations with both French President Emmanuel Macron and US President Joe Biden. There will be numerous debates on global concerns during the two-day G20 summit, which starts on Saturday in New Delhi. Former Vice President Joe Biden has departed for Delhi. He will arrive in New Delhi tonight. Leaders of the G20, a group of significant economies, will attend the summit and take part in discussions about some of the most urgent issues facing the world, including poverty and climate change. Talk on the conflict between Russia and Ukraine may possibly come up around this time.

PM Modi’s Extensive Bilateral Meetings Schedule

According to official sources, Prime Minister Modi will meet separately with the presidents of the United States and Bangladesh on Friday at his official residence. Additionally, he will meet with the president of Mauritius. On Saturday, the Prime Minister will meet with the leaders of Britain, Japan, Germany, and Italy in addition to taking part in G-20 events. According to sources, Emmanuel Macron and Prime Minister Narendra Modi will meet for lunch on Sunday. Additionally, the prime minister will meet with his Canadian colleague. The president of the Comoros, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, South Korea, European Union, Brazil, and Nigeria, he said, will also meet with him in a private setting.

African Union Welcomed to G20 in India

The African Union will be formally welcomed as a G20 member by Biden during his maiden trip to India as US President. Leaders from all across the world have endorsed India’s effort. On Friday itself, he will meet in private with Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The two leaders will examine the status of the choices made during Prime Minister Modi’s official visit to Washington in June during the meeting. Ukraine, significant and developing technologies, and some defence transactions are among the major topics that may be covered during the summit.

Biden and Modi’s Agenda Beyond Bilateral Talks

President Biden and Prime Minister Modi will take part in a formal event the next day. He will then take part in a number of meetings with G20 leaders. At the conclusion of the G20 conference on Sunday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and French President Emmanuel Macron are likely to have lunch together. These particulars were given by the officers. For the G-20 leaders’ conference at Bharat Mandapam, Macron is due to come here on Saturday. He will speak with Prime Minister Narendra Modi on a personal level. Macron will meet separately with the presidents of Brazil, Indonesia, and Saudi Arabia during his two-day trip to India. He also plans to meet with Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

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