G20 Summit: Putin informs  PM Modi that Russia To Be Represented By FM Sergey Lavrov

PM Modi

Russian President Vladimir Putin has conveyed to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi his regretful inability to attend the forthcoming G20 Summit scheduled in New Delhi on September 9 and 10. The communication between the two leaders involved Putin expressing his apologies and providing the rationale behind his absence. Instead, Russia will be represented by its Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov at the summit.

Russia To Be Represented By FM Sergey Lavrov

Prime Minister Modi acknowledged President Putin’s decision with understanding and appreciation. He also took the opportunity to express gratitude for Russia’s unwavering support in relation to various initiatives being pursued under India’s G20 Presidency.

During their conversation, the leaders engaged in comprehensive discussions concerning diverse facets of bilateral cooperation. They also exchanged viewpoints on matters of global and regional significance that are of mutual interest. A significant portion of their dialogue was dedicated to reviewing the recently concluded BRICS Summit in Johannesburg, which had brought together the leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.

After delving into the subjects pertaining to bilateral relations and shared concerns, both leaders agreed on the importance of maintaining ongoing communication. This understanding underlines the commitment of both nations to continue fostering their diplomatic ties and addressing common challenges through dialogue.

An interesting point to note is that President Putin had similarly chosen virtual participation via video link for the BRICS Summit, as he had not attended the event in person. This choice is speculated to be rooted in concerns about the potential legal repercussions he might face if he were to travel abroad. Specifically, the International Criminal Court (ICC) had issued a warrant for Putin’s arrest on allegations of involvement in war crimes in Ukraine. This apprehension has seemingly influenced his decision to limit his physical presence at international gatherings, opting for remote participation instead.

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