Special Trains: The Central Railway is preparing to handle the increase in passenger traffic as Diwali and Chhath Puja draw near by introducing 28 special trains. During this busy time, these festive advancement are intended to make sure that travellers heading towards Northern India have a smooth and enjoyable journey.
LTT Mumbai to Banaras Weekly Special
Train Number 01053: Departing from Lokmanya Tilak Terminus (LTT) Mumbai, this train will run on Wednesdays (October 30, 2024, and November 6, 2024) at 12:15 PM. It will arrive in Banaras the following day at 4:05 PM.
Train Number 01054: This train will leave Banaras on Thursdays (October 31, 2024, and November 7, 2024) at 8:30 PM and reach LTT Mumbai the next day at 11:55 PM.
The train will consist of 6 AC-III Tier coaches, 10 Sleeper Class coaches, 3 Second Class coaches, a Guard Brake Van, and a Generator Car.
LTT Mumbai to Danapur Bi-Weekly Special
Train Number 01009: Running from LTT Mumbai, this train will operate on Mondays and Saturdays (October 26, 2024; October 28, 2024; November 2, 2024; and November 4, 2024) at 12:15 PM and will arrive in Danapur the next day at 5:00 PM.
Train Number 01010: Departing from Danapur on Tuesdays and Sundays (October 27, 2024; October 29, 2024; November 3, 2024; and November 5, 2024) at 6:15 PM, this train will return to LTT Mumbai the next day at 11:55 PM.
This train will feature 6 AC-III Tier coaches, 10 Sleeper Class coaches, 3 Second Class coaches, a Guard Brake Van, and a Generator Car.
LTT Mumbai to Samastipur Weekly Special
Train Number 01043: Scheduled to depart from LTT Mumbai on Thursdays (October 31, 2024, and November 7, 2024) at 12:15 PM, it will reach Samastipur the following day at 9:15 PM.
Train Number 01044: This train will leave Samastipur on Fridays (November 1, 2024, and November 8, 2024) at 11:20 PM, arriving back at LTT Mumbai on the third day at 7:40 AM.
The train will include 6 AC-III Tier coaches, 10 Sleeper Class coaches, 3 Second Class coaches, a Guard Brake Van, and a Generator Car.
LTT Mumbai to Prayagraj Weekly Special
Train Number 01045: This train will depart from LTT Mumbai on Tuesdays (October 29, 2024, and November 5, 2024) at 12:15 PM and reach Prayagraj the next day at 11:20 AM.
Train Number 01046: Departing from Prayagraj on Wednesdays (October 30, 2024, and November 6, 2024) at 6:50 PM, this train will return to LTT Mumbai the following day at 4:05 PM.
The train will have 2 AC-III Tier coaches, 8 Sleeper Class coaches, 8 Second Class coaches, and 2 Guard Brake Vans.
LTT Mumbai to Gorakhpur Bi-Weekly Special
Train Number 01123: Running from LTT Mumbai, this train will operate on Fridays and Sundays (October 25, 2024; October 27, 2024; November 1, 2024; and November 3, 2024) at 12:15 PM, arriving in Gorakhpur the next day at 6:55 PM.
Train Number 01124: Departing from Gorakhpur on Saturdays and Mondays (October 26, 2024; October 28, 2024; November 2, 2024; and November 4, 2024) at 9:15 PM, it will reach LTT Mumbai on the third day at 7:25 AM.
This train will feature 2 AC-III Tier coaches, 8 Sleeper Class coaches, 8 Second Class coaches, and 2 Guard Brake Vans.
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