How Yogi planted ‘Love Jihad’ law and its introduction in UP?

As the Uttar Pradesh government has passed ordnance against forceful interfaith conversions, marriage, or the so-called ‘Love Jihad’, the nationwide speculations had turned stronger on both sides of the scale. Amid the row of voices from the leftist side of the nation, the right-wing has been dominant in support of this religious law.

Since 2017 the right-wingers in Uttar Pradesh have grown their stem with the rise of Hindutva dominant Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath. Yogi has been clear with his term in the state, he brought in various laws in support of the majority part. As soon as his appointment in the state he introduced ‘Anti Romeo Squad’ in the Uttar Pradesh, droughted poultry, and grown his voice for Ram Mandir.

The issue has been on Yogi’s list even before he became Chief Minister of the state. Even BJP never mentioned ‘Love Jihad’ in its poll agenda in the previous state assembly elections. He is the hero of ‘Hindu Yuva Vahini’, who has done a lot to pitch themselves in bringing the law in the entire country.

How will the law help Yogi’s rise for 2022 polls?

Recently, the long row of Ram Mandir and Babri Masjid has come to an end even the Supreme Court announced the verdict but the credit takers are only the NDA government in-country and the Uttar Pradesh. Ram Mandir has been in BJP’s manifesto over the decades and it has to be believed that the verdict came under the BJP led government. This new law introduced by UP’s cabinet defines punishment and fine under different heads. The guilty ones will be sent to 5 years in jail and a minimum fine of Rs 15,000.

Hindus-Muslims can’t marry in Uttar Pradesh after the law pass?

The proposed law is only for the conversations done through misrepresentation, force, undue unfluence, allurement, coercion. Self-Choice will remain an option for many even the law came into action.

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