India Canada Relations: Pakistani media and public stand with India on Canada Row, watch video

India Canada Relations

India Canada Relations: India has temporarily paused its services for issuing Canadian visas after issuing a warning to its nationals about travelling to Canada. The action was taken at the same time that Justin Trudeau stated that Canada was rearranging its diplomatic personnel in India in response to threats made on social media. After Trudeau’s Khalistan surprise against the Modi government, relations between the two countries have taken a severe hit.

Brexit Trade Talks with India to Continue Amidst Canadian Investigations

Downing Street said on Tuesday that negotiations would “continue as before” while Canadian investigations continue. Britain and India are also close to negotiating a post-Brexit trade agreement. This could happen as soon as next month. In the meanwhile, Australia, Japan, and the United States are allies with India in the Quad.

Pakistani Citizens Reflect on India’s Global Standing

In a video shared by Real Entertainment TV on Youtube an Anchor asked Pakistani citizens about Conflict happening between India and Canada, he asked that US, Australia and UK are with India, do you think that India’s relations and power on international level are much developed? Replying to this the Pakistani Citizen said, ‘I believe that this is only because their strength is stable in terms of politics and we lack this strength here.’ When he asked about the same question with another person, that person replied, ‘India is a big country with educated people, their economy is stable in comparison of us so this may be the main reason why other countries like UK and Australia are with India. We appreciate their success.’

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