India Maldives Row: Island Nation on an Uncertain Sojourn! Welcomes Chinese Spy Ship

India Maldives Row

India Maldives Row: The Chinese “research vessel” Xian Yang Hong 03, which is largely believed to be a spy ship charting the Indian Ocean floor for military objectives, will land at Male, the capital, early next month, the Maldives government has revealed. The island nation of the Maldives announced that the ship will not be conducting any “research” while in its seas, adding that permission to “… for rotation and replenishment” had been requested.

Centuries-old Tradition

“The Maldives has always been a welcoming destination for vessels of friendly countries, and continues to host both civilian and military vessels making port calls for peaceful purposes. Such port calls not only enhance bilateral ties between the Maldives and partner countries, but also demonstrate the centuries-old tradition of welcoming vessels from friendly countries…” Classified as a “research” ship, the 4,300-ton Xiang Yang Hong 03 is engaged in charting the floor of the Indian Ocean.

Military and Geopolitical Change

Such research projects can yield important information that can be used to predict natural disasters such as underwater earthquakes and lessen their otherwise catastrophic effects. China can use underwater drones and submarines in the future to navigate these seas thanks to the floor map.

The remark “welcoming vessels from friendly countries” has been interpreted as an assault on India and another proof of Male’s shift in allegiance from New Delhi to Beijing. The relocation to China represents an important military and geopolitical change in the Indian Ocean Region, or IOR.

Impact on Relations

The Maldives allowed the Chinese ship to land at the same time that Male and New Delhi are engaged in a heated dispute over three Maldivian ministers’ scathing remarks about Prime Minister Modi earlier this month. These remarks caused a major rift in India and domestic backlash against President Mohamed Muizzu.

Geopolitical Implications

After winning election with an aggressive “India Out” campaign, Muizzu just returned from a State visit to China, where he met with Xi Jinping, inked 20 “key” agreements, and said that the two nations’ relations will be elevated to a Comprehensive Strategic Cooperation Partnership. In a move interpreted as a clear jab at India, which has sent the greatest number of visitors to the island paradise since the end of the Covid pandemic, the leader of the Maldives also urged China to send more travellers to his country.

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