India Maldives Row: President’s Ego Reigns Supreme! 14 Year Old Boy Dies Due to Delay in Flight Approval From India

India Maldives Row

India Maldives Row: Maldivian media said that a 14-year-old kid passed away in the Maldives on Saturday, purportedly as a result of President Mohammed Muizzu’s claimed refusal to provide permission for the use of the Dornier aircraft that India had given for the youngster’s airlift.

Deteriorating Health Crisis

As the boy’s condition worsened, his family asked for an air ambulance to take him from his home in Gaaf Alif Villingili to the capital city of Male. The boy had a brain tumour and had suffered a stroke. The family claims that the government did not quickly set up a medical evacuation, according to Maldivian media.

Desperate Calls Unanswered

“We called Island Aviation to get him to Male’ immediately after the stroke but they did not answer our calls. They answered the phone at 8:30 am on Thursday. The solution is to have an air ambulance for such cases,” Maldivian media Adhadhu quoted the boy’s father. 16 hours after the emergency evacuation request was submitted, the boy was taken to Male.

Aasandha’s Immediate Action

Aasandha Company Limited, which received the emergency evacuation request, responded to it in a statement, stating that they started the evacuation process right away but that “unfortunately, due to a technical problem with the flight at the last moment, the diversion was not possible as planned.”

Maldives-India Relations Strain Amidst Tragedy

This event coincides with the recent deterioration of diplomatic ties between India and the archipelago nation due to disparaging remarks made about Prime Minister Narendra Modi by Maldivian leaders.

Maldivian Member of Parliament Meekail Naseem expressed his disappointment at the boy’s passing by saying, “People shouldn’t have to pay with their lives to satisfy the President’s animosity towards India.”

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