India reports 42,625 new covid cases, 562 deaths in last 24 hours

New Delhi: India on Wednesday reported 42,625 new cases in the last 24 hours, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare said. In the same time, the country also reported 562 deaths, the Ministry added. India on Tuesday added 30,548 cases of Covid-19 were reported on Tuesday. With 5,395 new active cases, India’s active Covid infection tally has climbed to 4,10,353 on Wednesday. The active cases constitute 1.29 per cent of the total caseload of India.

India’s recovery rate currently stands at 97.37 per cent. The weekly positivity rate remains below 5 per cent and is currently at 2.36 per cent. The daily positivity rate continues to remain below 5 percent for 55 continuous days and currently stands at 2.31 per cent.

A total of 36,668 patients were discharged from hospitals and health centers in the last 24 hours, taking the total number of cured to 3,09,33,022 to date as the virus continued to infect less than one lakh people over the last 56 days.

A total of 62,53,741 Covid vaccine doses were administered in the last 24 hrs. With this, total 48,52,86,570 vaccine doses have been administered in India so far, the Ministry added.

The government has said that it is hopeful of achieving the roadmap for 135 crore doses between August and December.

“As communicated by the manufacturers, the monthly vaccine production capacity of Covishield is projected to be increased from 110 million doses per month to more than 120 million doses per month and the production capacity of Covaxin is projected to be increased from 25 million doses per month to around 58 million doses per month,” Union Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya said in a written reply.

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