‘Learn to respect the sovereignty’: India slams Turkey’s remark over Kashmir issue

India on Tuesday thoroughly criticised Turkish President Recap Tayyip remarks on Kashmir during his speech at the United Nations’ 75th session of General Assembly.

The President in his pre-recorded speech said that resolving Kashmir issue is important to obtain peace across South Assia. He added that the issue should be resolved through dialogue within the framework of United Nations.

The Turkish President, on day two of the high-level UNGA session said, “The Kashmir conflict, which is also key to the stability and peace of South Asia, is still a burning issue.”

“We are in favour of solving this issue through dialogue within the framework of the United Nations resolutions, especially in line with the expectations of the people of Kashmir,” he said.

Following his speech, India’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, TS Tirumurti, took to slam the president and said “Turkey should learn to respect sovereignty of other nations.

“We have seen remarks by President of Turkey on Indian UT of Jammu and Kashmir. They constitute gross interference in India’s internal affairs and are completely unacceptable. Turkey should learn to respect the sovereignty of other nations and reflect on its policies more deeply,” he said in a tweet.

It is known that Turkey is a close companion of Pakistan. Time and again, Turkey has used various events to raise Kashmir issue, demanding its resolution. India, on the other hand, has asked the West Asian country to not interfere in its internal affairs.

Just last week, India had heavily called Turkey in Human Right Council for its interference in India’s internal matters.

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