Ministry of Tourism to organize 1st Global Tourism Investors’ Summit from May 17 to 19

The first Global Tourism Investors’ Summit (GTIS), organised by the Indian Ministry of Tourism as part of India’s G20 Presidency, will take place in Delhi from May 17–19.

G. Kishan Reddy, Minister of Tourism, Culture, and DONER, presided over the Roundtable Conversation with Heads of Missions. Reddy said that the government is pursuing tourism development and promotion in mission mode, guided by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision, while speaking to the heads of missions at Vigyan Bhawan today.

In addition, he said that the country’s current country’s economy makes it a suitable location for investments in a variety of Indian tourist industry sub-sectors, including hospitality and lodging, wellness travel, adventure travel, eco-tourism, rural travel, and others. The Minister expressed his gratitude to all of the participating Missions for attending the Roundtable Conversation and extended an invitation to them to actively engage in the upcoming Investors Summit and contribute to India’s expansion and improvement of its tourism industry.

25 states have shared 350+ investable projects with the Ministry of Tourism

Shri Arvind Singh, Secretary, Ministry of Tourism, stated that up to this point, 25 states have shared 350+ investable projects with the Ministry of Tourism, with a total investment potential of roughly Rs. 64,000 Cr. (USD 7.7 billion).

According to him, the GTIS will also have a number of knowledge sessions on subjects like sustainability, digitalization, technology, insights, state-specific problems, and other tourism-related subsectors. Business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-government (B2G) engagements will be facilitated through these workshops.

According to K. B. Kachru, a member of the CII National Committee on Tourism and Hospitality, GTIS is the perfect site for all tourism and hospitality business owners outside of India to visit, observe the large Indian market, and take advantage of the investment opportunities.

42 foreign missions in total took part in today’s interaction. The G-20 Presidency will present India’s tourism industry with a once-in-a-lifetime chance to showcase the country’s travel options and share India’s tourist success stories on a global platform. Due to increased infrastructure, global connectivity, rising disposable incomes, and the creation of specialty tourism goods that provide chances for international investors, India’s tourism business is set for expansion.

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