PM Modi Condemns Attack on Slovak Leader, Calls It ‘Cowardly and Dastardly’

PM Modi

PM Modi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi referred to the shooting incident against Robert Fico of Slovakia as a “cowardly and dastardly act” and denounced it. Additionally, PM Modi wished the Slovak PM a quick recovery. Nonetheless, he conveyed his backing for the Slovakian populace.

PM Modi Condemns Attack on Slovak Prime Minister

Taking on social media X, PM Modi stated, “Deeply shocked at the news of the shooting at Slovakia’s Prime Minister, H.E. Mr. Robert Fico. I strongly condemn this cowardly and dastardly act and wish PM Fico a speedy recovery. India stands in solidarity with the people of the Slovak Republic.”

Four-time Slovakian prime minister Robert Fico was hurt in a shooting incident on Wednesday (local time) in Handlova, according to The Slovak Spectator, the local newspaper. After the assault, he was admitted to the hospital. When the PM emerged to greet the crowd, multiple gunshots were heard from the scene. The area was evacuated and the suspected shooter was taken into custody immediately.

Eyewitness Accounts of the Shooting

Witnesses claim that as soon as the PM emerged to greet his supporters, gunfire was heard. Then, Fico was discovered with bloodstains on the ground. The incident happened following the PM’s hospitalization following a government meeting in Handlova. Tomas Taraba, the deputy prime minister, told the BBC that he thought the leader’s hospital stay had gone well.

“I guess in the end he will survive,” Taraba said. “He’s not in a life-threatening situation at this moment.” The prime minister was earlier described to reporters by Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok as being “in critical condition and his life is in danger” at a hospital in Banska Bystrica, the country’s capital. Global responses are flooding in, denouncing the shooting incident that injured Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico and wishing him a swift recovery.

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