PM Modi Embarks on Historic Visit to France, Spotlight on Rafale Jets and Bastille Day Celebrations

PM Modi France Visit

PM Modi France Visit: On Thursday, July 13, Prime Minister Narendra Modi flew into Paris for a two-day trip during which he will meet with President Emmanuel Macron and participate in the French National Day festivities as the Guest of Honour. The main goal of PM Modi’s visit will be to improve connections between France and India in a number of areas, including space and defence. During his two-day trip to Paris, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will put a special emphasis on advancing India-France relations in a number of areas, including space and military. The French President and PM Modi will have in-depth discussions about advancing the longstanding and tried-and-true alliance before PM Modi leaves for France, according to his statement.

PM Modi Reflects on the Flourishing 25-Year India-France Partnership

“This year marks the 25th anniversary of our strategic partnership. Rooted in deep trust and commitment, our two countries cooperate closely across various domains including defence, space, civil nuclear, blue economy, trade, investment, education, culture and people to people ties. We also work together on regional and global issues,” PM Modi said in a statement. “I look forward to meeting President Macron and holding wide-ranging discussions on taking forward this longstanding and time-tested partnership over the next 25 years,” he added.

Tri-Service Delegation and Spectacular Rafale Flypast Enhance Indian Presence at Bastille Day March

A 269-member delegation from the Indian tri-services will take part in the march as PM Modi’s special guest at the yearly Bastille Day march. Along with French aircraft, three Rafale fighter jets from the Indian Air Force (IAF) will participate in the flypast on this special occasion.

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