Prime Minister Narendra Modi embarked for his trip to Poland and Ukraine this morning. Using his social media account, X, PM Modi announced this development. This marks the first visit by an Indian Prime Minister to Poland in 45 years. On August 21 and 22, PM Modi will meet with the Prime Minister and President of Poland. In addition, he will speak at a special gathering for the Indian community.
PM Modi to Visit Ukraine on August 23, 2024
Media reports indicate that PM Modi will meet with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Ukraine after a ten-hour train ride from Poland. This visit is significant as it marks the first time an Indian Prime Minister is traveling to Ukraine amidst the ongoing conflict.
Details of PM Modi’s Ukraine Visit
PM Modi announced his upcoming visit to Ukraine on his social media platform, X, stating, “I will be visiting Ukraine at the invitation of President @ZelenskyyUa. This visit will be an opportunity to build on the earlier discussions with him and deepening the India-Ukraine friendship. We will also share perspectives on the peaceful resolution of the ongoing Ukraine conflict. As a friend and partner, we hope for an early return of peace and stability in the region.”
Significance of PM Modi’s Visit to Ukraine
The war between Russia and Ukraine is still going strong. PM Modi will visit Ukraine on August 23 and meet with President Zelenskyy to talk about a number of important topics. It’s expected that PM Modi would discuss the possibilities of ending the violence and make some recommendations. Notably, on July 8–9, PM Modi made a prior visit to Russia, when he spoke with President Vladimir Putin on the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine.
Many countries, including the United States, have acknowledged that PM Modi could play a crucial role in mediating the conflict between Ukraine and Russia. If successful, this could enhance India’s global standing, showcasing it as a powerful and influential nation on the world stage.
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