PM Modi Hails ‘Dawn of New India’ after Chandrayaan-3 Moon Landing, VVS Laxman Adds Voice to Victory


Chandrayaan-3: The Chandrayaan-3 was safely landed on the lunar surface of the Moon on Wednesday night, and Prime Minister Narendra Modi congratulated the Indian Space Research Organisation on the accomplishment. PM Modi declared that it was “the dawn of a new era” shortly after the historic Chandrayaan-3 soft landing on the south pole of the moon.

Celebrating Chandrayaan-3’s Success and a New Era

“Every Indian is celebrating today. Every home is celebrating. I am also connected to the people of my country at this proud moment. It is the dawn of a new era,” PM Modi said. He also expressed his gratitude to the scientists at Isro who contributed to the mission’s accomplishment. “No country has reached there (the South Pole of the moon) before. With the hard work of our scientists we have reached there,” the prime minister said.

Chandrayaan-3’s Impeccable Moon Landing Ignites Celebration

Despite being in South Africa for the BRICS Summit, PM Modi stated that his heart will always be with the Chandrayaan expedition. “Kabhi kaha jata tha chanda mama bahut door ke hain, ab ek din wo bhi ayega jab bacche kaha karenge chanda mama bass ek tour ke hain (Earlier children used to say Moon is far, but now they will the Moon is just a tour),” PM Modi said. “I heartily congratulate Isro and its scientists for this unprecedented feat,” the prime minister said in his virtual address. Chandrayaan 3’s flawless soft landing sparked jubilation across India, and ISRO said in a tweet, “India, I reached my destination and you too!’: Chandrayaan-3. Chandrayaan-3 has successfully soft-landed on the moon!. Congratulations, India!”

VVS Laxman Hails Chandrayaan-3 Success on Twitter

VVS Laxman also Tweeted on Chandrayaan-3 Success. Sharing a picture on Twitter he wrote, “Proud moment for all Indians as we become the 1st ever Country to land successfully on the South pole of the Moon . Congratulations @isro and to all the people who have dedicated themselves to this historic mission. A moment to cherish for all of us. Jai Hind #Chandrayaan3”

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