Prime Minister Narendra Modi made a historic diplomatic trip to Ukraine, the first high-level visit from India since Russia invaded the country in 2022. When PM Modi gave Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy a hug during his historic visit to Kyiv, it went viral and demonstrated India’s commitment to peace and communication. Meeting at the Martyrologist Exposition in the capital of Ukraine, the two leaders honoured the country’s lost children. Zelenskyy was clearly saddened during the poignant moment as they paid tribute to the young people who had died in the ongoing conflict.
A Landmark Moment in India-Ukraine Relations
This visit is a landmark moment in India-Ukraine relations, as it comes just over a month after PM Modi’s meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, a visit that drew criticism from President Zelenskyy. Upon his arrival in Kyiv, after a 10-hour train journey from Poland on the “Train Force One,” PM Modi was greeted by Ukrainian officials and members of the Indian diaspora. Expressing his gratitude, he wrote on X (formerly Twitter), “Reached Kyiv earlier this morning. The Indian community accorded a very warm welcome.”
Strengthening Bilateral Ties and Advocating for Peace
Trade, economic cooperation, investments, education, cultural exchanges, humanitarian aid, and other aspects of bilateral relations are all included in PM Modi’s engagements in Ukraine. The main purpose of his visit is to promote dialogue and diplomacy as a means of resolving the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine; India seeks to reassert its stance on peaceful resolution and is prepared to play a constructive role in facilitating peace talks.
Paying Tribute to Mahatma Gandhi and Promoting India’s Global Vision
PM Modi reinforced India’s message of peace and non-violence by presenting Mahatma Gandhi with flowers. His journey to Ukraine, which came after his previous visit to Russia, establishes him as one of the few world leaders who have communicated with both sides of the crisis since it started. India’s strategic intention to sustain balanced relations and support international peace initiatives is highlighted by this dual engagement.
Expanding India’s Diplomatic Footprint in Europe
By visiting Ukraine and Poland, PM Modi is signalling India’s intent to deepen its ties with European countries. This visit aligns with India’s broader foreign policy objective of forging closer relationships globally, moving away from its traditional alignments. As part of its vision to become “Vishwabandhu,” or the friend of the world, India is now focusing on enhancing its relations with all nations, especially in Europe.
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