PM Modi’s Resolute Call! ‘No Compromise on Terrorism,’ Urges Action at US Congress

PM Modi US Visit

PM Modi US Visit: On Thursday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi spoke before the Joint Meeting of the US Congress. In a subtly critical remark aimed at Pakistan, he emphasised that there can be “no ifs or buts” when it comes to combating terrorism. Prime Minister Modi stressed in his speech that radicalization and terrorism continue to pose a serious threat to the entire world more than 20 years after 9/11 and more than 10 years after the 26/11 terrorist attacks in Mumbai.

PM Modi Highlights the Fight Against Terrorism and Indo-Pacific Cooperation in Address to US Congress

“These ideologies keep taking new identities and forms, but their intentions are the same. Terrorism is an enemy of humanity and there can be no ifs or buts in dealing with it. We must overcome all such forces sponsoring and exporting terror,” he said in his 60-minute address which was quoted by news agency PTI. When he said that the world order is built on respect for the UN Charter’s tenets, the peaceful resolution of disputes, and respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, PM Modi also made a subliminal allusion to China. “The Indo-Pacific is being shadowed by the thick clouds of conflict and coercion. He said, seemingly alluding to China’s assertive actions in the crucial region, “The stability of the region has become one of the central issues of our collaboration. In his speech to the Joint Meeting of the US Congress, Modi said, “We share a vision of a free, open, and inclusive Indo-Pacific, connected by secure seas, defined by international law, free from domination, and anchored in ASEAN centrality.” Congressmen and senators as well as hundreds of Indian-Americans who were in the audience for the Prime Minister’s speech. He described the Indo-Pacific as a region where all countries, large and small, can make decisions freely and without fear, where progress is not stifled by an impossible debt load, where connectivity is not used for tactical advantage, and where all countries are lifted by the tide of shared prosperity.

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PM Modi Advocates for Negotiation, Democracy, and India’s Economic Growth in US Congress Address

Speaking on the painful crisis in Ukraine, Modi reaffirmed his straight and public declaration that “This is not a time for violence. However, it is one of negotiation and diplomacy. The Prime Minister of India, speaking on behalf of 1.4 billion people, said it is always an honour to address the US Congress, and doing so twice is an especially rare opportunity. He spoke to the US Congress for the second time; the previous time was in 2016. In his speech, Prime Minister Modi noted that artificial intelligence (AI) has made significant strides in recent years. Additionally, he noted, there have been much more significant advancements in two other AIs, America and India. “At the turn of the century, we were unfamiliar in the defence cooperation. The US is currently one of our most crucial defence allies, he said. The legislators gave him a standing ovation for his remarks. The prime minister further emphasised that one of their sacred and common principles is democracy. It has taken on many different shapes and systems over a protracted period of time. One thing has, nevertheless, always been evident throughout history. The spirit of democracy upholds equality and dignity. According to him, democracy is a notion that values discussion and discourse. “The culture that gives thinking and speech wings is democracy. India is fortunate to have had these values since the beginning of time. India is the Mother of Democracy in the development of the democratic spirit, he continued. After a thousand years of foreign domination in one form or another, “we celebrated a remarkable journey of over 75 years of freedom,” he said, adding that this was not simply a celebration of democracy but also of diversity. PM Modi emphasised that India had the tenth-largest economy in the world when he made his maiden trip there as prime minister. India currently has the fifth-largest economy in the world, but it will soon overtake China as the leader. “We are expanding not only physically but also quickly. The entire world expands as India does. We are one sixth of the world’s population, after all,” he said.

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