Rahul Gandhi, the leader of the opposition in the Lok Sabha, has made a major contribution by drawing attention to the urgent problems that gig workers in India are facing. Gandhi expressed his worries on X, the previous Twitter platform, on Monday following an informative conversation he had with a taxi driver while taking an Uber. He highlighted the difficulties faced by gig workers, like as delivery drivers and taxi drivers, in an open video, and he pledged that state governments lead by Congress will create effective laws to solve these issues. He promised that the INDIA bloc would see to it that these measures are carried out across the country.
Rahul Gandhi’s Interaction with Uber Rider Highlights Gig Workers’ Plight
During a recent Uber journey, Rahul Gandhi had a deep conversation with a Uttar Pradesh-based taxi driver Sunil Upadhyay from Etah. This was his latest interaction with the people. Upadhyay discussed his day-to-day problems of making ends meet on meagre wages, having neither savings nor social security to fall back on.
Congress to Formulate Policies for Gig Workers’ Welfare
Following his ride, Gandhi took to social media to highlight the dire situation gig workers face, citing the impact of low income and rising inflation on their lives. He stressed that Congress governments in various states are committed to developing robust policies that will bring much-needed relief to these workers. These policies aim to provide financial stability and social security, ensuring that gig workers are not left to fend for themselves in an increasingly challenging economic environment.
INDIA Bloc’s Nationwide Commitment
Gandhi also assured that the INDIA bloc, an alliance of opposition parties, is fully committed to ensuring the nationwide implementation of these policies. Referred to as the “INDIA ‘janbandhan’,” this initiative will work towards securing the rights and welfare of gig workers, striving to create a more equitable and supportive environment for them across the country.
Lunch with the Cab Driver’s Family
Rahul Gandhi extended his interaction beyond the Uber ride. The following day, he shared a meal with the cab driver’s family at a local eatery in Delhi. During this meeting, Gandhi listened to their concerns and reiterated his dedication to advocating for the rights of gig workers. He also assured them that Congress is actively working on solutions to improve their living conditions and secure a better future for their families.
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