Rakesh Tikait: No compromise on demands, will stay at Delhi borders till October 2

The farmers unions have called for a nation wide Chakka Jam today which was seen in most of the parts of the nation expect in some parts.

Farmer leader Rakesh Tikait has now demanded to roll back the 3-farm laws of the central government as soon as possible and he also said the farmers union will stay at the Delhi borders till October 2.

Tikait said farmers will only return back to their home when the three farm laws will be taken back.

“If the government is understanding this, then talk to farmers. Make a law on the MSP, take back the three laws, only then will farmers return to their homes,” said Tikait.

“Because of these inputs, we had decided to call off the ‘chakka jam’ in Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand,” the 51-year-old Tikait, credited with reviving the farmers’ stir, said.

“Don’t be in any illusion. Neither the platforms nor the leaders of the protest will change. They will sow iron nails, we will sow crops,” he added.

“Hum hi kisan hain, hum hi jawan hain (We are the farmers and we are the soldiers. This is going to be our slogan for the movement,” he said.

Besides all these, the farmer unions have announced a nationwide ‘Chakka Jam’ today and in most of the parts around the nation, there were also the violence and outrage.

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