Terrorist Captured At Border, Says Pak Colonel Gave Rs 30,000 For Attack

A terrorist, who was caught after being shot at near the Line of Control (LoC) in Nowshera sector of Rajouri, has told the Army that he was paid Rs 30,000 by a Pakistan army colonel to attack a forward Indian post.

Tabarak Hussain (32) was trying to cut the border fence along with two-three terrorists on August 21. Noticed by soldiers, he tried to flee, but was brought down by effective fire, incapacitating him. Two terrorists managed to flee.

Two terrorists, who were hiding behind, fled the area by taking cover of dense jungle and broken ground. The injured Pakistani terrorist was captured alive and provided with immediate medical aid and lifesaving surgery was carried out.

Tabarak Hussain is a resident of Sabzkot village, district Kotli of Pakistan occupied Kashmir. On further interrogation, the terrorist confessed about their plan to attack the Indian Army Post.

According to the army, Hussain said he was part of a squad that carried out recces of Indian forward, and got the final go-ahead on August 21.

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“Incidentally, the individual was earlier captured by Indian Army from the same sector in 2016 along with his brother Haroon Ali, and was repatriated on humanitarian grounds in November 2017,” said the army note.

In the other foiled bid, on August 22 night “a group of two to three terrorists” tried to infiltrate in Lam sector in the same region. “Our alert troops were able to observe the terrorists,” said the army.

“As they moved ahead into our minefields, a series of mines got activated and two terrorists got eliminated on the spot,” it added. Their accomplices were possibly injured and might have gone back “taking advantage of the inclement weather and dense foliage”.

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