Unveiling the Untapped Potential: The Forgotten Millions That Could Have Prevented the Odisha Train Tragedy

Odisha train accident

In the grim aftermath of the recent Odisha train disaster in Balasore, a shocking revelation has come to the fore. The South Eastern Railway zone (SER), responsible for this region, had significant budgetary provision earmarked for the Kavach anti-collision system. Intriguingly, these funds appear to have lain untouched for the past three years.

Budgetary Allocations: A Trail of Unutilised Resources

Detailed financial records of SER reveal that an astounding INR 468.9 crore was allocated for implementing Kavach on a low-density railway network. If the data is to be believed not even a single rupee until March 2022 was utilized. Furthermore, a substantial capital cost of approximately INR 312 crore was sanctioned for another sector within the same railway zone. Yet again, the expenditure remains non-existent till date, with no future outlay planned for 2022-23.

Disregard for Safety: Ignoring the Warning Signs

The fundamental reason behind the Balasore train catastrophe was pinpointed to be a malfunction in the electronic interlocking system. A significant lapse in the signalling system, which was flagged as early as three months before the calamity, was alarmingly overlooked.

Neglected Safety Measures: A Ticking Time Bomb?

Government budget documents indicate that a further INR 208 crore was sanctioned to SER for crucial safety measures such as automatic block signalling and centralised traffic control. Yet, these funds remain untouched to this day. Sources within the railway ministry suggest that the budget has been unspent due to the absence of tenders for safety works in the region. The inactive state of these resources suggests a drawn-out procedure for setting up foolproof anti-collision systems on heavily trafficked railway networks.

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The Future of Railway Safety: A Slow Ride Ahead?

Despite the Union railway minister Ashwini Vaishnaw spearheading the trial run of Kavach, an initiative aimed to enhance train safety, the implementation process seems to be lagging, with priority given to certain zones. It appears that the SER zone, a ‘Highly Used Network’, lies in the second tier of priorities. Will the unspent millions finally be put to use to avoid future disasters? Only time will tell.

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