Viral Video: A video has surfaced online that shows Tamil Nadu CM MK Stalin cycling his way through the city. In between his top-level meetings, he has been in the news for all good reasons and one simple yet charming video of him cycling through the city. In a recent post on X, formerly Twitter, Stalin is seen on an evening bike ride amidst the beautiful hues of orange and red hues in the sky.
Rahul Gandhi’s Playful Response
He shared a video of his cycling, to which Rahul Gandhi replied, “Brother, when are we cycling together in Chennai.” Stalin and Rahul Gandhi have collaborated politically in Tamil Nadu, notably during Lok Sabha elections where they shared stages and criticized the Ruling Party on various issues The video shows him pedaling his cycle at a serene moment out of a very busy schedule. This is Stalin’s visit to attract investment to develop the Tamil Nadu economy. On the eve of his visit, he secured investment of around ₹400 crores promised by Ohmium, likely to generate close to 500 jobs in the Chengalpattu district. This will be crucial for the economic growth of the state and enhance the green energy sector within the state.
During his visit, Stalin also met with several key tech giants like Apple, Google, and Microsoft. He also inked a landmark agreement with the companies for skilling two million youngsters in AI under the ‘Naan Mudhalvan’ scheme in association with Google to give Tamil Nadu’s youth cutting-edge skills, thereby advancing alliance with startups, MSMEs, and the rural economy.
Investment Drive for Tamil Nadu
He described his meeting with giants in technology as “awe-inspiring” and said such partnerships were very important for the future of the state. The MoU signed with Google, after discussions on August 30, is an important stride in gearing up the youth of Tamil Nadu to fit into the challenges of the job world in future.
Between high-octane diplomacy and personal unwinding, the visit by Stalin encapsulates pledges towards economic growth to be undertaken in Tamil Nadu and a future-ready talent pool that should be created.
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