Watch: ‘Krishna, Hanuman Greatest Diplomats In World’, Says S Jaishankar

“Lord Krishna and Hanuman are the greatest diplomats in world” External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar said on Saturday while explaining diplomacy.

“I am making this comment in all seriousness. If you look at it in terms of strategy, and intelligence, they were all-purpose diplomats,” Jaishankar asserted.

In Pune, during an event for the release of English his book “The India Way: Strategies for an Uncertain World,” which has been translated into Marathi as ‘Bharat Marg’, he said, “The biggest diplomats in the world were Lord Krishna and Hanuman… If we look at Hanuman, he had gone beyond diplomacy, he went ahead of the mission, contacted Sita and set Lanka on fire too.”

He used Lord Krishna’s several forgiveness of Shishupal to demonstrate the concept of strategic patience. Shishupala made 100 faults, and Krishna promised to pardon him, but after the 100th one, he would be killed.

Kauravas and Pandavas, was linked by Jaishankar to “Multipolar India”

He claimed that it proves the value of one of the most crucial traits of a wise decision-maker. Kurukshetra, the site of the Mahabharat War between the Kauravas and Pandavas, was linked by Jaishankar to “Multipolar India.”

The capacity of a state to pursue its own national interests and desired foreign policy without interference from other states is known as strategic autonomy.

Since its independence, India has adopted the strategy of strategic autonomy during the bipolar cold war (1947–1991), the unipolar era (1991–2008), and the multipolar era (2008-present). Strategic autonomy is not an alliance or an isolation. In order to safeguard India’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, it must be recalibrated in accordance with the security situation, according to ANI.

Jaishankar used the example of Lord Krishna producing the appearance of a sunset to demonstrate “strategic deception.”

He also emphasised the “cost of reputation,” claiming that the Pandavas’ reputation was better than the Kauravas’. According to ANI, Jaishankar also provided examples of Yudhisthira lying about Ashwathama’s death in order to teach the concept of “tactical adjustment.”

Jaishankar also expressed gratitude to Prime Minister Narendra Modi for appointing him as Minister of External Affairs.

“Being the foreign secretary was the limit of my ambition, never even dreamt of becoming a minister” says EAM Jaishankar. Thanking PM Modi, points, “not sure any PM, other than Narendra Modi would have made me minister.”

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