Good News! SBI Extends Amrit Kalash FD Scheme; Interest Rates on Other Deposits Hiked



State Bank of India (SBI) has some exciting news for its customers! The bank has extended the validity of its popular Amrit Kalash special fixed deposit (FD) scheme and also increased interest rates on certain other FDs. This means you can now earn even better returns on your savings with SBI.

What is the Amrit Kalash FD Scheme?

The Amrit Kalash FD scheme is a special offer for SBI customers looking for a fixed deposit with a tenure of 400 days. This scheme offers attractive interest rates:

The validity of the scheme has been extended until September 30, 2024, so you have plenty of time to take advantage of these high rates.

Increased Interest Rates on Other SBI FDs

SBI has also increased interest rates on other fixed deposit schemes for tenures ranging from below 7 days to 10 years. Here’s a quick breakdown:

SBI Green RUPEE Term Deposit

SBI also offers the Green RUPEE Term Deposit scheme for environmentally conscious customers. This scheme offers interest rates that are 10 basis points lower than the card rate for regular deposits and comes in three tenors:

The highest rate offered under this scheme is 7.40% for the 2222-day tenor.

Key Points to Remember

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