Hyundai Kona EV: Hyundai, a car manufacturer, has reported the recall of its Kona electric vehicle. Hyundai was forced to make this significant choice as a result of a technical issue with this brand's electric vehicle. Let us inform you that Hyundai has announced the recall of 853 Kona EVs for your information.
Specifications of Hyundai Kona Electric
Charging time
Approx 6 h 10 min
Battery Capacity
Max Power (bhp@rpm)
Max Torque (nm@rpm)
Seating Capacity
Body Type
What the company is fixing?
The issue of coolant leakage in 853 Hyundai Kona vehicles has been referenced in many media outlets as the reason for this decision. One thing to keep in mind is that the business has recalled this vehicle in the US, therefore the current Kona sold in India hasn't experienced this issue. It is being said that the company will fix this technical fault in the Hyundai Kona EV without any extra charge.
The Kona EV's malfunction, according to a statement from the manufacturer, may be caused by an internal leak in the EPCU, or Electric Power Control Unit, of the vehicle. The chance exists that the car could halt in the middle of a journey due to a lack of electricity. In order to fix this issue and make sure that clients do not have any difficulties as a result, the firm has called the automobile back.
The vehicles that has been recalled
According to information obtained, the 2021 models of the recalled Hyundai Kona electric vehicles all have EPCUs that may not be properly sealing the DC converter casing. According to the company, the personnel in charge of the corners are being told about the recall so that the issue can be fixed quickly.