
Moonwalkers: World's fastest shoes that increase your speed by 250%, Details

Akshat Kashyap
New Update

Moonwalkers: Imagine having the speed and agility of a moving walkway when you go grocery shopping or take your dog for a stroll. An apparatus that may be fastened to your own shoes and increase your walking pace by up to 250 per cent was created by an American start-up company called Shift Robotics. Yes, you can walk at a speed of up to 11 km/h, which is around three times quicker than your average stride.


Moonwalkers: What are they?

The motorised shoes known as Moonwalkers are made to help you move more quickly and accomplish your goals in less time.

The Moonwalkers, created by the startup business Shift Robotics, which was spun out of Carnegie Mellon University, assert that they can boost the typical user's walking speed by approximately 2.5 times. You can walk up to 11.2 km/h faster with them, to put it into real numbers. That is almost exactly my typical running pace during extended runs.

How do they work?

Moonwalkers are made to be worn by strapping onto the bottom of your existing shoes. You elevate one heel and twist it slightly before putting it back down to activate it. Simply lift and place the heel back down to deactivate them.

The shoes' sensors gather information about your gait when they are enabled. The eight motorised wheels on the bottom of each shoe are then controlled by machine learning algorithms using that data.

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Moonwalkers Artificial Intelligence
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