Shikhar Dhawan has announced his retirement from International and domestic cricket. In an emotional video, the left-handed batsman stated how proud he was to play for his country but it is time for a new step in his life.
This news came as a shock to the fans who were expecting to see the ‘Gabbar’ in action in IPL 2025. After all, he is one of the heroes of the Indian Cricket Team and has won countless matches.
Dhawan took to social media to announce his retirement. The 38-year-old stated, “Today when I look back, I only have good memories.”
Shikhar Dhawan Retired!
Dhawan stated “I only had one dream and that was to play for India and I even achieved that. I am thankful for so many people who contributed to my journey. First of all my family. My childhood coach Late Tarak Sinha, and Madan Sharma under whose guidance I learnt the basics of the game.
“I would also like to thank my team with whom I have played cricket for so long. I got another family, name, fame, and love of all the fans.” And what a team it was. His duo with Rohit Sharma is revered as the best opening duo.
His partnership with Virat Kohli saved India countless times. He was good with the young players and always gave them something to look forward to.
He is ready to go on to the next stage of his life, “There is a saying you need to turn the page to read the full story. That’s what I am going to do. I am announcing my retirement from international and domestic cricket.”
Fans Emotional
This news has left the fans devastated. Even though the left-handed opener was not part of the Indian team’s plan for a while now, fans loved the man. They wanted to see him a bit more in the IPL.
But as Dhawan said “I am telling myself one thing don’t be sad that you will not be able to represent India again but he is happy that he has played for India for so long. For me, the biggest thing is that I played.”
For us, the biggest thing is that he played, and we are grateful for it.
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