Vinesh Phogat: In a warm gesture of solidarity, Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann visited the village of Vinesh Phogat to console the family amid her being disallowed from competing in the Paris 2024 Olympics. The emotional visit saw CM Mann touching the feet of Mahavir Phogat—Vinesh’s uncle—as he expressed condolences and solidarity with them in this distressing moment.
Vinesh Phogat’s Disqualification Shatters Olympic Dreams
Vinesh Phogat is a leading wrestler from Haryana who was to feature in the final of the 50 kg women’s wrestling. She was to square off against USA’s Sarah Ann Hildebrand. But her Olympic dreams lay in tatters as she was disqualified for overweight. There is a window of 100 grams that the wrestlers are allowed in their weight category; however, Vinesh was found to be 50 grams over. Although reportedly trying everything to hit her weight class of 52 kg, she couldn’t reach the requirements, coming in 150 grams overweight.
Vinesh Phogat’s Disqualification Shatters Olympic Dreams
This disqualification has come as a major jolt, not just to Vinesh, but to Indian sports lovers who were expecting a lot from this performance in the Olympics. CM Mann visiting her was one way of reaching out, showing immense regard and care for athletes working hard for their country. This visit brings into the limelight how much pressure and turmoil an athlete goes through, more so when it comes to an event like the Olympics.
Now, the emotional cost of this disqualification is writ large, and more than her supporters, Vinesh’s family is coming to grips with the disappointment. The visit by CM Mann is one of reiteration of solidarity and reassurance to Vinesh and her family that their efforts and struggles are recognized as they are and taken seriously.