Lionel Messi apologises for unauthorised travel after getting banned by PSG, VIDEO

Lionel Messi

Lionel Messi: On Friday, Lionel Messi expressed his regret to Paris Saint-Germain and his teammates for his unauthorised travel to Saudi Arabia, which led to his ban. Messi apologised and blamed the situation on a schedule mix-up in a brief video that he shared on Instagram.

Lionel Messi apologies by making a video

Due to his absence from practise on Monday due to a promotional trip to Saudi Arabia, the French club revealed the World Cup winner had been suspended the following day. Messi claimed he believed the team was off on Monday. ‘Hello, I made this video to explain what is going on. I should start by apologising to my teammates and the team. To be honest, I assumed we would have a bad day, as we did in the weeks before.I had this trip to (Saudi) Arabia planned that I had previously cancelled, but I was unable to do so this time. I’ll wait for the club’s decision and once more beg your pardon for what I did. Hugs,’ the World Cup victor from Argentina stated.

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There are only five games left on Messi’s current deal

The club and Messi will wait until the conclusion of his suspension before talking about how he ends the season, according to coach Christophe Galtier earlier on Friday. There are only five games left on Messi’s current deal, which is not anticipated to be renewed. At a press conference, Galtier was questioned about whether he could rely on Messi to play again after the suspension. When Leo returns, “we’ll see what will happen,” Galtier added. There will undoubtedly be discussions with the entire club as well as Leo, who is the main party in question.

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Messi was escorted by police as he arrived in Paris

The Argentine legend’s punishment is expected to last two weeks, which would require him to miss two games, although the club hasn’t confirmed that. In Ligue 1, PSG has a five-point advantage over second-placed Marseille. Messi left Barcelona in 2021 after claiming every major award with them. Due to significant debt and financial rules of the Spanish league, the Catalan team that Messi lived with starting at the age of 13 was unable to afford to keep him. Messi was escorted by police as he arrived in Paris. His exit will undoubtedly be less spectacular. Messi has reportedly been connected to Major League Soccer’s Inter Miami, a move back to Barcelona, and a lucrative position in Saudi Arabia.

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