Neeraj Chopra had an impressive outing at the Paris Olympics 2024. He recorded his season’s best throw at 89.44 meters and won the silver medal, just behind Arshad Nadeem who clinched gold after breaking the Olympic record.
It was also noted that Neeraj was not fully fit during the Olympic finals and went to Germany for some tests. It put his future endeavors in doubt as no one knew the intensity of his injury.
But Chopra himself was not satisfied by the silver and stated that the story was not over yet. It showcased his drive and hunger for success and gave every fan a sense of relief as this promise meant that Chopra would be back on track.
Neeraj Chopra Future Plans!
Well, surpassing everyone’s expectations once again the golden boy of India will be back in action in a few days. Earlier, reports suggested that he will take a break to recover from his injury but that is not the case.
According to Neeraj, his injury did not spread as much as he thought he would. He thanked his physio Ishaan Marwaha who treated his injury right after the Paris Olympics 2024 finals.
He further stated he wanted to participate in the Zurich Diamond League in September. But now that his injury is not that aggravated, he will participate in the Lausanne Diamond League, which begins on August 22.
Treatment After The Season
He further stated that he would receive proper treatment after the season as there is only one month left. “The final treatment will be after the season ends. There is just one month left. I will try to take care of it as much as possible and consult the doctors later,” Neeraj stated.
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