Bengaluru Viral Video: Traumatic experience a woman and her friend had to face in Bengaluru because of a booking glitch with the driver of an Ola auto rickshaw. The woman, working in a private firm, on September 5 booked two auto rickshaws, so she could reach on time and evade the peak hours of traffic congestion. She logged into the first auto and cancelled the other booking.
Auto Driver’s Hostile Confrontation Captured on Camera
In this Bengaluru Viral Video we can see the situation went out of hand when the auto driver, whose trip she canceled, reacted aggressively. The victim recorded the incident on her cell phone, including all hostile behavior from the driver, verbal abuses, and threats. In the Bengaluru Viral video, the driver is seen to aggressively confront her for cancelling the ride and caused considerable distress to her.
The victim tried to inform Ola through their online complaint system, which never responded. In frustration, she aired her ordeal on social media, in which nobody acted upon. The post went viral instantly, after which the police in the city of Bengaluru replied. Also, assurance was given by the ADGP, Alok Kumar over due action.
Social Media Impact
The video shared on Twitter by the handle ‘ghar ka kalesh’ has brought to sharp focus the dire need to improve customer service and accountability in these ride-hailing services. Quick responses to complaints and effective resolution mechanisms go a long way toward ensuring users’ safety and satisfaction. This is also a good example of how social media helped shed light on such cases and quicken the wheels of authority. People showed their outrage in the comment section. One person wrote, “It is not about the cancellation of ride but the hindi language.” Another person said, ” What about when they cancel the ride without even informing us and ghosting. I have got stuck due to this in urgent situations too.” One more person said, “Everyone hates these Auto Drivers. They are the most dangerous people in the country.”
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