Big Breakthrough! NIA Arrests 2 Key Accused in Bengaluru’s Rameswaram Cafe Blast Case

Rameswaram Cafe Blast Case

The National Investigation Agency (NIA) has achieved a significant breakthrough in the Rameswaram Cafe blast case by apprehending two absconding suspects. Abdul Matheen Taha, the alleged mastermind behind the attack, and Mussavir Hussain Shazeb, the accused who planted the explosive device, were captured near Kolkata.

Key Accused in Rameswaram Cafe Blast Arrested

The NIA successfully traced and apprehended Abdul Matheen Taha, believed to be the mastermind behind the Rameswaram Cafe blast, and Mussavir Hussain Shazeb, accused of planting the improvised explosive device (IED) at the eatery. Both individuals were hiding near Kolkata under assumed identities.

Blast Injures Nine

The explosion at the Rameswaram Cafe in Bengaluru on March 1st left nine people injured. The NIA took over the investigation soon after the incident.

Continuing Investigation

The arrest of these two suspects is a major development in the investigation. The NIA is likely to continue its probe to uncover any potential accomplices and the motive behind the attack.

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