Dehradun News: ‘Smart City’ Project Progress! Over 70 Percent Work Completed, Costs 635.59 Crore

Dehradun News

Dehradun News: The Uttarakhand administration reported to the state assembly on Friday that Dehradun’s ‘Smart City’ project has cost Rs. 635.59 crore and that 70% of the work has already been done. On the third day of the monsoon session of the Assembly, Congress member Pritam Singh asked a question during Question Period. Parliamentary Affairs Minister Premchand Aggarwal responded by stating that 70 projects have been carried out as of this point under the announcement to make Dehradun a smart city, which was made in June 2017. The amount of work that has been finished.

Financial Breakdown of the Dehradun Smart City Project

Premchand Aggarwal stated that this project, which is estimated to cost one thousand crore rupees, is being funded equally by the federal and state governments. According to the minister, the state government has so far released Rs 241.09 crore on its own, while the national government has so far released Rs 394.50 crore of its part of Rs 500 crore. He said that so far, the Dehradun Smart City project has cost a total of Rs. 635.59 crore. The task of building the city’s metro is not included in the total number of 14 organisations working on this project, he said.

Progress on the Dehradun Smart City Project

According to Aggarwal, seven smart toilets, three smart schools, thirty electric buses, twenty-four water ATMs, a national flag, a parade ground, and Paltan Bazaar’s beautifying are among the sixteen project works that have been completed to 70% of their original scope. According to him, work on the project’s drainage, sewage, green buildings, smart roadways, and smart electrical poles is now underway and will be finished shortly. The 10 ‘Area Based Development’ (ABD) wards chosen for Dehradun Smart City, according to the Minister, will be fully integrated into the smart city category by June 2024.

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