Delhi mayor Shelly Oberoi directs increase in maternity wards, inspects Bhati Mines

Municipal Corporation of Delhi’s (MCD) Mayor Shelly Oberoi announced that the maternal and child welfare center in Fatehpur Beri would be expanded with an increase in the number of beds and amenities. She has also sought a report on the status of MCD’s dispensary and maternity centers. 

Mayor Shelly Oberoi directs to increase in maternity beds

Mayor Shelly Oberoi asked officials to come up with a proposal to expand its bed capacity to over 100 beds. She asked that maternity bed facilities should be expanded to accommodate more patients. Local MLA Kartar Singh Tanwar, area councillor Sunder Singh, and various senior officials of the MCD also accompanied the Delhi mayor.

Shelly Oberoi inspects Bhati Mines

Shelly Oberoi also inspected the adjoining area and raised concerns about water logging and the dilapidated condition o the MCD school building in Bhati Mines. She also reviewed the issues faced by local residents and assured them of prompt action to address their grievances.

“The Bhati Mines region has been neglected for far too long, and we are committed to ensuring that its residents receive the services and amenities they deserve,” Oberoi said.

The Delhi mayor also took stock of cleanliness at Jonapur village and directed officials to ensure timely disposal of garbage lying on the road and in the village area. The mayor added that she would pay continue visits to the area to review repair work as she added the MCD is committed to provide better sanitation, primary education, and health services in Delhi. 

Also read: Punjab: Several injured in blast near Golden Temple, police rules out terror attack 

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