Father of Bengaluru Shop Owner Demands Justice for Son After Assault for Playing Hanuman Chalisa

Bengaluru news

In Bengaluru, Karnataka, a distressing incident of religious intolerance shook the Siddanna Galli area on Jumma Masjid Road. Mukesh, a shop owner, faced a brutal assault simply for playing Hanuman bhajans in his store. The incident unfolded on Sunday, March 17, leaving Mukesh injured and his family seeking justice.

Attack on Religious Freedom

Mukesh’s father, Gopal Singh, expressed anguish over the attack on his son. He recounted how Mukesh, the elder son, was peacefully playing devotional songs inside the shop when a group of Muslim youths attacked him. Despite the low volume, they mercilessly beat Mukesh, leaving him injured and bleeding.

Demand for Justice

Gopal Singh demanded strict action against the perpetrators, emphasizing that his son was merely exercising his religious freedom by playing bhajans. He urged authorities to ensure justice for Mukesh and his family, who fell victim to the attack for upholding their religious convictions.

Mukesh’s Account of the Incident

Speaking to the media, Mukesh narrated the harrowing experience he endured. He explained that on the evening of March 17, a group of local Muslims confronted him, demanding that he stop playing Hanuman bhajans as it was time for their Azaan. Despite his attempts to reason with them, they resorted to violence, grabbing him by the neck and physically assaulting him.

Threats and Intimidation

Mukesh further revealed that the attackers threatened to kill him if he did not comply with their demands. The situation escalated when he stepped out of his shop to confront them, leading to a physical altercation where Mukesh was outnumbered and attacked by the group.

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