Ghaziabad News: Man collapses while running on a Tread Mill; precautions you must take during workouts

Ghaziabad News

Ghaziabad News

Ghaziabad News: In an unfortunate News coming from Ghaziabad, a man suffered Cardiac arrest while working out in the gym. The man was running on the Tread Mill when he suddenly fell and died of Heart attack.  The incident was recorded in the CCTV footage of the gym. The deceased was resident of Ghaziabad and he was living in Saraswati Vihar area. He went to the gym around 11.55 am for work out . He was exercising in the gym like the usual days and he felt uncomfortable while he was on the Tread Mill, within a span of 30 seconds he collapsed.

Video of the Man shared in Social Media

The other people in the gym rushed to help him but by then he was already dead. The video of the man working out in the gym and how he passed out is doing the rounds in the Social Media. This is not the first incident of someone suffering a Heart Stroke like this, there have been many incidents in the past where people lost their lives due to heart attacks while exercising.

Precautions you must take while working out-

According to Health Experts, there are many risk factors associated with Heart Attack, it could be obesity, smoking, having excess of alcohol, and lack of Regular exercise. Medical experts also suggest some precautionary measure you must adopt while Working out in gyms to prevent heart attacks-

Disclaimer – This material, including advice, provides general information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Take the methods, and claims mentioned in this article as suggestions only; DNP India does not confirm or refute them. Consult a doctor before implementing any such suggestions/ treatment/medicine/diet.

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