Ghaziabad News: This Power theft will leave you speechless, Here’s how..

Ghaziabad news

Ghaziabad news

Ghaziabad News: Shocking case of Power theft reported from Ghaziabad. The Department has caught a surprising case of electricity theft from a building. During inspection they found out the house had no electricity board, still they had the electricity in their house. After struggling for many hours, the officials observed an underground wire being laid under the land for around 1km. The Vigilance Department Team has searched around 7 houses of the area but couldn’t find a power line or electricity pole near that area.

Accused was supplying Power to 6 other houses also

After this, the officials started checking the connections in each and every house. The officials found out during the probe that a man had laid an underground line 1 km away from his house. His Power connection was connected to a transformer, and it was being supplied to 6 other houses also. A complaint has been lodged against the Power theft in that area.

Seven people booked for theft

Officials have then booked 7 people for the theft. These people were stealing 10w of electricity. The Department has also imposed fine on the accused and initiates enquiry against them. Officials are also investigation other areas.

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